In 2008, the 2nd Brewood Scout Group were informed that Staffordshire County Council, on whose land their existing scout hut sits, wanted to sell the land to help balance their budget. Over the last two years our mobilisation of gracious support from within the community as well as an organised campaign of objection, coupled with a change of leading party within the Council, meant that the imminent sale of the land was halted. It is far too soon to know whether this is merely a stay of execution or a full pardon, but either way it has provided the Brewood Scouts Fundraisers, or BSF, (a fundraising committee of the Group) with a respite during which to raise money to ensure the long-term survival of scout headquarters in Brewood and the continuation of our scouting activities should the sale be revived.

The Brewood Scouts Fundraisers normally meet, about once a month, for a few hours to discuss ongoing and new fundraising activities. If you are in any way interested in getting involved with us then please get in touch. We are a friendly group of people who are always glad to receive help or new ideas.